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Whats the Word on Thesium?

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Weed pull

Educational Tour and Invasive Weed Pull

August 6th, 2019: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Along the Banks of Fish Creek in the Bow Valley Ranch Area


Invasive plants, creeping into local ecosystems along waterways and out of gardens, out compete native plant species for sunlight and resources, leaving less forage for native wildlife.  The Friends of Fish Creek Weed Whackers program brings volunteers together to actively engage in pulling these “weeds”, giving our native plants a better chance at survival. 


This year we have a new and somewhat mysterious Invasive nemisis: Thesium. No one knows for sure how it came to be in Fish Creek Provincial Park, but it has been spreading rapidly. Join us on August 6th for our first ever Thesium tackling volunteer event!


The event will kick off with a guided tour about Fish Creek invasive species ecology and Thesium arvense as the focus for local field research. After the tour we will turn our attention to the Thesium plants that grow along the banks of Fish Creek, removing them as part of our ongoing riparian stewardship efforts. 

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Event Details

August 6, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm