Annual Report – 2023

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Enhancing the Lives of Community Members for Over Thirty Years 

The Friends of Fish Creek 2022 Annual Report

In 2022, the Friends of Fish Creek celebrated our 30th Anniversary as a non-profit organization since starting out in 1992. Last year the Friends experienced significant changes in terms of program delivery and an increase in the scope of our projects, but also some changes within our staff base.

In 2022, we bid a fond farewell to two of our longest running staff members Shana Barbour and Katie Bakken, Social Enterprise & Stewardship Manager and Community Engagement Facilitator respectively. With over twenty years of combined experience with the Friends, the contributions made by these two incredible people cannot be overstated. They created, revolutionized, and improved programs, courses and events and touched the lives of thousands of volunteers, partners and other community members. The Friends would simply not exist in nearly the same capacity without their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm for community building and conservation.

Newer staff members Dylan Barnes (Citizen Science & Stewardship Coordinator) and Kumiko Kamiike (Visitor Services Coordinator) settled into their roles, and lead their respective programs with initiative and a strong focus on expansion and improving efficiencies. Kumiko brings with her a wealth of experience from her time as a volunteer who participated in almost all of our programs several years ago. Dylan was a summer intern with the Canadian Conservation Corps in 2021 who focused on conservation and stewardship activities in the park. Emma Stroud (Team Lead – Ecology & Conservation) is now in her third year with the Friends and her experience with both biology and technology have helped to expand many of our programs. Like Kumiko and Dylan, Emma also started as a volunteer with the Friends several years ago.

Friends Executive Director, Nic Blanchet has also had quite the tenure, with 2022 marking ten years since starting with the Friends. In recent years the partnership with EPP has been one of the most prominent of his many accomplishments, helping to ensure that the Friends has the financial stability to continue upholding our mission and vision.

Chris Lalonde, Communications Manager, has been with the Friends since 2006, oversees certain programs and is the main contact for external communications, memberships and a variety of fundraising activities.

Of course 2022 would not have been successful without our amazing volunteers – some of whom have been with us longer than some of the staff. Each year, many of our amazing volunteers take on more responsibility and provide their expertise in new and innovative ways. Volunteers are the reason the Friends of Fish Creek is able to accomplish so much in Fish Creek Provincial Park, and their hard work and dedication help ensure that Fish Creek remains healthy and beautiful for generations to come.

To commemorate our 30th Anniversary we planted thirty five native balsam trees and developed the 30th Anniversary Poplar Grove. These trees will help support ecological diversity here in Fish Creek Provincial Park, stabilize the creek banks, and ensure healthy wildlife and vegetation within the park. We would like to thank everyone who donated this year and those who volunteered to help with the planting day on September 17. 

We sincerely thank all of our members, donors, sponsors, partners and volunteers for your support and dedication and hope that you will enjoy reading through the 2022 Annual Report.

The Friends of Fish Creek mission is to engage the community through activities and awareness to conserve a truly unique naturalized urban park.

Our vision is a sustainable Fish Creek Provincial Park that improves the quality of life for present and future generations. 


Shana Barbour, Katie Bakken, Emma Stroud, Dylan Barnes, Kumiko Kamiike

Executive Director’s Report

Nic Blanchet, Executive Director
Friends of Fish Creek

January 12, 2022, marked ten years since I joined the Friends, 2022 was also the thirtieth anniversary of the Friends and the year that we experienced the biggest turnover in staff since my tenure began, but for me it was the year of the volunteer.

Since I began my career in the nonprofit sector in March of 2002, I have been very interested in the concept of volunteering. I have spent many hours in conversations with volunteers, read widely on the subject and participated in an academic study of the impact of volunteering on both the volunteer and the organization. In 2022 the Friends recorded a milestone of just short of thirteen thousand volunteer hours and six volunteers received one thousand hours awards. This is an incredible achievement, and a testament to the degree of teamwork and trust that has grown between staff (the facilitators) and the incredible community of volunteers (the doers). In biology we would describe this as a symbiotic relationship, A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence, in common parlance a win-win.

Park Watch

Our understanding from the academic research we conducted is that the compensation and benefits of volunteering are personal to the volunteer but based around a sense of fulfilment, self-worth, and of providing service. Many researchers observe that humans appear to be “wired for service”, and that opportunities to engage with this provide us with our greatest fulfilment.

December 12

Over the past decade I can recall instances of many first meetings with amazing individuals who dropped by the office for a reason other than volunteering and went on to become one of our many ongoing volunteers, returning year after year to continue their valuable contributions to the park and to the community. I have had the privilege of watching the children of volunteers at first accompany their parents and then go on to become volunteers in their own right and grow up to understand the value of service and become a contributing member of society.

The more I observe and interact with volunteers the more I come to understand the complexity of the relationship between the organization and our volunteers, the myriad ways in which volunteering can enhance the quality of life and sense of self worth, and the immense responsibility we have to honor that relationship, provide meaningful and engaging volunteer opportunities and create new and innovative ways for volunteers to develop their skills and support their personal growth. My observations have led me to conclude that the Friends is not an environmental organization but a people organization that delivers environmental programs.

My personal vision for Fish Creek Provincial Park is that it becomes the flagship site of Alberta parks, I believe we can collectively achieve this as the incredible team we have become, for every one of you that volunteers with the Friends please accept my heartfelt thanks, you are amazing.

Pictured above – Park Watch Stewards Margaret Moule and Jerry Knight. Bottom – Funding Announcement at the Bow Valley Ranch on December 12, 2022. Michael Roycroft – Regional Director Forestry, Parks and Tourism, Andrew Schoepf – Kananaskis East Area Manager Parks Division Alberta Forestry Parks and Tourism, Nic Blanchet – Friends Executive Director, Todd Loewen – Minister of Forestry, Parks and Tourism, and Richard Gotfried MLA Calgary-Fish Creek

Board Chair’s Report – From 1992 to 2052

Bob Morrin, Board of Directors Chair
Friends of Fish Creek

In our first 30 years, the Friends of Fish Creek have grown into a key partner that works to protect and enhance Fish Creek Provincial Park, one of the largest urban parks in Canada. The Friends both provides and performs meaningful volunteer programs for community members, and each year the scope of our activities increases.

We developed our vision to align with the Government of Alberta in establishing a sustainable park that improves the quality of life for present and future generations. The Friends offers education, stewardship and volunteer opportunities for people who love nature and want to make a difference. In 2022, we adapted from the impacts of the pandemic and adjusted to the ever- changing “new” normal. We are also pleased to have received an extension to our Enhanced Partnership Project with the Provincial Government providing significant funding for the next three years.

30thPictured here, volunteers at the Cookhouse on the 30th Anniversary planting day, September 7.

I have enjoyed my role as a volunteer with the Friends for the last 17 years working on the Board and participating in many of the Friends activities to bring our vision to reality. I know that I won’t be on the board in 2052, but having reach our 30th Anniversary, I felt it would be timely to provide my thoughts on where the Friends might be in 2052.

Although I don’t have a crystal ball, I trust that the Friends of Fish Creek will grow their membership, donations and community support significantly over the next thirty years. They will expand and adapt their programs, courses, events and activities to reach more people and continue raising awareness about the park’s ecological value and cultural heritage. The Friends will continue to collaborate with other organizations, governments and stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of Fish Creek Provincial Park.

They will most likely face some challenges along the way, such as climate change impacts, urban development pressures, invasive species threats, and changing visitor needs. They will adapt to these challenges by using innovative technology, research and best practices to monitor and restore the park’s health. They will also engage with diverse groups of people to foster a sense of belonging and stewardship for the park.

Over the next five years, I would like to see the Friends make progress in our engagement with diverse groups of people, allowing them to be involved as participants or volunteers in meaningful programs both those that are provided by the Friends or those that are performed by the Friends.

Alberta Parks Liaison Report

Andrew Schoepf, Kananaskis East Area Manager, Parks Division
Alberta Forestry, Parks and Tourism 

I congratulate the Friends of Fish Creek for another outstanding year of achievements in 2022.

It was 30 years ago that a small group of residents came forward to offer Alberta Parks support in tackling the resource stewardship challenges brought on by rapidly growing visitation to the park. Well that growth has never stopped and today we are seeing visitation at an all-time high. However, through hard work and thoughtful programming the Friends of Fish Creek have created countless opportunities for our visitors to experience Fish Creek Provincial Park for the special place that it is. Whether that be through the warm welcome and helpful information extended by Ambassador Program volunteers at the Visitor Centre, or through engaging programs like the Get to Know Nature Series that connect families with each other and with the park, or through constructing beaver coexistence devices, pulling weeds, and planting trees to provide both our wildlife and our visitors with a healthy and diverse environment, the work of Friends of Fish Creek staff and volunteers has made an indelible mark on Fish Creek Provincial Park and the experiences shared by Albertans within it.

Get to Know

Get to Know Plants & Pollinators, June 25 at Shannon Terrace.

I have been particularly impressed with the enthusiasm and professionalism brought to every project by Friends of Fish Creek staff, and the increased capacity and resourcefulness of the Friends to get things done has been demonstrated through record breaking achievements in nearly all program areas. I am extremely grateful for the Friends to be our partner and our ambassador in Fish Creek Provincial Park.

2022 was also a very busy year for Alberta Parks in Fish Creek. The Master Trail Plan was completed this past spring, and the first phase of implementation is already underway with detailed design for a new and enhanced east/west paved corridor planned for 2024. After two years of Covid closure the Sikome Aquatic Facility reopened to a record-breaking year of attendance and revenue generation. We also worked tirelessly with the Friends to design a newly renovated Bow Valley Ranch Admin Building and Visitor Centre, however when the construction bids came in for the renovation it became clear that a new build would provide Alberta Parks a higher value and a longer lasting investment than any renovation could achieve. So while it may be back to the drawing board and a few extra years away, we are very excited about this opportunity to work with the Friends to envision and create the first major new facility in Fish Creek Provincial Park since the original park infrastructure was put in place in 1977.

Finally, a reflection of 2022 would not be complete without acknowledging the renewed confidence our government has made to the Friends of Fish Creek by extending the Environmental Partnerships Pilot grant for another three years with $750,000 of new funding. The financial security and investment in partnership achieved through this extended grant commitment will provide the Friends with a solid foundation to move ahead on key priorities for 2023. We look forward to our continued partnership and celebrating the achievements of the Friends of Fish Creek in 2023 and beyond.

2022 By the Numbers, January 1 – December 31

Statistics – Community Engagement Activities

  •  Individual volunteers – 1150
  •  Volunteer hours – 12,825
  •  Program Days – including volunteer sessions – 1181
  •  Program participants – 3,439
  •  Community members engaged – 9,867
  •  Community partners – 62

Community Engagement Photos 2022

Fish Creek Ambassadors John, Sheila, Peter and Kathy.

Dennie Burns leading a group through the Bow Valley Ranch Visitor Centre, Growing Up on the Ranch Tour, August 20.

Bud Edgar, Joker & Trick Roper at Creekfest, July 16,

Statistics – Conservation and Stewardship Activities

  • Bags of litter removed from the park – 310
  • 1,989 kg of invasive plants removed from the park
  • 520 Trees wrapped and 89 trees unwrapped
  • 350 Trees and 79 shrubs planted
  • 333 Trees and shrubs mapped and monitored
  • 150 m of Streambank restored
  • 750 m of Streambank assessed

Conservation and Stewardship Photos – 2022 Season

Beaver Tales Loop sign installation at Bebo Grove, October 12 – part of the Friends’ Beaver Coexistence Project.

Soil Solarisation – invasive plant species management project, May 14 near the Bow Valley Ranch.

Storm water pond clean-up at Votier’s Flats, October 28. This project was initiated through the Fish Creek Speaker Series Community Pitch Night.


TD Learning Naturally

2022 saw a full return to programs at the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre for Learning Naturally. There were no required Covid-19 restrictions or mitigations and schools were happy to return to a closer to normal type of year. Kaylee Hope continued as the program’s coordinator with support from Alberta Park’s Formal and Environmental Education Coordinator – Roland Kirzinger.

From January 2022 to mid-October 2022 Learning Naturally hosted:

  • 62 program days
  • 139 teachers
  • 294 parent volunteers
  • 2,113 students

Learning Naturally 2022 Annual ReportThe number of parent volunteers involved in these programs highlights one important, but often-overlooked element of the Learning Naturally Program. The programs are truly important for engaging the entire community. The parents engaged come from all walks of life and all parts of their communities. Learning Naturally does not just impact and influence the students, but also has a broader reach across the entire community because of the involvement of their parents. This means the benefits reach across the entire community, not just the classroom.

There were 13 program dates cancelled over the period due to issues such as weather and staff or teacher illness. A further 19 program dates were postponed in November and December as coordinator Kaylee Hope vacated the position as she moved on to work for another organization. A priority for the new coordinator was to re-book the 19 postponed dates.

As mentioned, Kaylee Hope left the role of Learning Naturally Coordinator in the fall of 2022. She was a wonderful coordinator and will be missed by teachers and Park staff. Staff turnover in this position is normal due to the contract/seasonal nature of the role and we were fortunate to have Kaylee for the period we did.

A competition was held to recruit a new coordinator late in the year and a successful candidate was hired. Kayla Campbell began her role as Learning Naturally Coordinator in January 2023. Kayla has experience with Alberta Parks and in environmental education. She will bring many great skills to the role.

Information provided by:
Roland Kirzinger, Formal and Environmental Education Coordinator, Alberta Environment and Parks – East Kananaskis Management Area



2023 Volunteer of the Year Award Winners

  • Bill Hiebert Inspiration Award (Volunteer of the Year) – Peter Haggarty
  • Spark! – Ron Deshayes
  • Flintknapper – Bruce Mitchell
  • Steward in Action – TJ Timonera
  • New and Noteworthy – Jay Boehm
  • Grassland Superstar – Linda Gale,   Brian Shaw
  • Community Champion – Charis Falardeau
  • Unsung Hero – Christina Arnold
  • Staff Choice Award – Stan Kwasniowski
  • Board of Directors – David Mitchell
  • Kingfisher (Birding award) – Colleen Rodgers, Randy Plishka
  • Community Action Team – Ron Deshayes, Bob Bowman and Angel Spasoff
  • Special Recognition – Benjamin Baragar
  • Special Recognition – Ben Cress
  • Special Recognition – David Arnott
  • Special Recognition – Rose and Will Ratliffe
  • Trailblazer – Ted Sutton,   Lois Ayling,   Russ Barnes,   Chris Byrne,    Mike Black,   Bertha Ann Fisher,   Richard Glew,   Kelsey Hutchinson,   Tom Kelly,   Stephen Moshonas,   Elaine Murta,   Jim Murta,   Ted New,   Dorothy New,   Bruce Zacharias
  • The Venturers

New for 2023, Pathway Ambassador volunteers have been coming to stewardship outings to answer questions from park users and engage with park users about our programs and activities.

1,000 Hour Club
Last year the Friends created a new volunteer club – the 1,000 Hour Club – for volunteers who contributed at least 1,000 hours in recent years. As our volunteers continue to do amazing work in the park, each year, more volunteers will obtain this prestigious ranking and join this club. In 2023 we were pleased to recognize: 

  • Doug Maxwell
  • Angel Spasoff
  • Kevin Tanasichuk
  • John Thompson

Thank you to all of the dedicated and hard working volunteers for helping out in 2023. Over 280 community members volunteered, and without your support and involvement our programs and events would not be possible!

Mireille Acevedo,   Elizabeth Adam,   Christy Adams,  Raghav Agarwal,   Dianne Allen,   Ross Anderson,   John Anderson,   Lorrie Anderson, Bob Andrew,   Christina Arnold,   David Arnott,   Marta Asensi,   Darrell Aunger,   Julie Aunger,   Rebecca Auriti,  Katie Bakken,   Robert Bakker,   Devon Bakuska,   Margaret Bale,   Brendan Barnes,   Morris Baskett,   Renee Beaton,   Jo-Anne Bechtel,   Robert Beitzel,   Melinda Bell,   Valerie Bell,   Jason Bell,   Tara Bennett,   Angela Bentley,   Rayna Bergerman,   Stuart Berry,   Valarie Best,   Andrea Boehm,    Jay Boehm,   Wendy Both,   Johanna Brockie,   Stephen Boucher,   Bob Bowman,   Johannah Brockie,   Teresa Brown,   Robert Brown,   Mark Buan,  Wojciech Burnage,   Dennis Burns,   Ron Burr,   Bryce Burton,   Bob Byers,   Jean Channon-Simpson,   Kathy Chappell,   Daniel Chrapko,   Karen Chrapko,   Trevor Churchill,   Sheila Clark,   Mary Cook,   Luis Cortes,   Christian Cox,   Ben Cress,   Pamela Cross,     Alan Cross,   Cathy Cush,  Sandy Davis,

Neil Denton,   Micheline Deschenes,   Ron Deshayes,   Laura Dickson,   Bernie Diebolt,   Coline Dirkse,   John Dunfield,   Ethan Dunn,   Laura Dunn,   Raymond Dunn,   Chad Eastman,   Steven Edgerton,   Charis Falardeau,   Sheryl Faminow,   Brian Farewell,   Melinda Felso,   Jackie Figiel,   Bertha Ann Fisher,   Lara Fitzpatrick,   Pat Fitzsimmons,   Dave Fletcher,   Debbie Fournier,   Diane Fournier,   Wlad Franco-Valias,   Donna Franke,   Robert Gagnon,   Grant Gale,   Linda Gale,   John Gapp,   Perla Garcia,   Joe Gerritsen,   Josh Gibbs,   Natasha Gidluck,   Gail Goldsmith,   Phil Greer,     Neil Groeneveld,   Peter Haggarty,   Diane Haggarty,   Bradley Hallett,   Alex Hamilton,   Emily Hart,  Joanne Hatch,   Dave Heaton,    Anita Hibbard,    Denise Hiebert,    Jenna Hildebrandt,    Kathryn Hilman,    Marianne Hladiuk,    Don Hladiuk,    Kari Hoellwarth,    Bill Hohm,     Kari Horn,    Kanako Hoshide,    Chris Howe,    Michelle Hrouda,    David Huck,    Stephen Hyde,    Mariya Ivanova, 

Sonya Jakubec,    Martin Jalkotzy,    Sidric Jasmin,    Brad Johnston,    Amos Kafata,    Tomofumi Kamiike,    Kumiko Kamiike,    Aislyn Kats,    Laura Keery,    Chalise Kemp,    Shanpreet Khaira,    Nikola Kikanovic,    John Kimber,    Bryan Kinworthy,    Jerry Knight,    Jennifer Koppe,    Daegan Kovacs,    Anna Kozak,    Ruth Kozun,    Olivia Laing,    Dermot Lane,    Bev Lane,    Greg Lapp,      Peter Leigh,    Bob Leonhardt,    Dianne Leonhardt,    Terryne Levine,    Robert Lodge,    Shelley MacLellan,    Carol Maichle,    Natalie Masuda,    Doug Maxwell,    Connor McCafferty,    Nora McCluskey,    Dean McCluskey,    Liana McCreadie,    Mike McCreadie,    Dave McDonald,    Patrick McKnight,    Maggie McLennon,    Josh McNulty,    Breanne McNulty,    Linda Meade,    Chris Meade,    Wayne Meikle,    Sandie Melvin,    Mike Meredith,    Jennifer Meredith,    Rick Miller,    Umara Mirza,    Bruce Mitchell,    Sue Mitchell,    David Mitchell,    Anne Mitchell,    Peter Moignard,    Jorge Monge Asensi,    Bob Morrin,    Margaret Moule,    Marnel Muller,    Brent Murphy,    Sara Murray,   Wanami Muto,    Annette Ng,    Wendy Nickson,    Peter Nielsen,   

Emma Norris,    Sabiha Nova,    Christine Ouellet,    Angela Ovens,    Walter Pedersen,     Logan Peters,    David Pethrick,   Anna Phan,  Stephen Phelps,      Melissa Pick,    Randy Plishka,    Maliha Prova,    Ryan Quan,    Jenny Radsma,    Catherine Ranger,     Rose Ratliffe,    Will Ratliffe,    Karen Ratliffe,    Jacob Raymond,    Dave Reid,    Darla Reslan,    Isaiah Richard,    Sharon Richardson,    Ian Richardson,    Joyce Ritsco,    Lynda Rive,    Jo-Anne Robak,    Laura Roberts,    Colin Robinson,    Colleen Rodgers,    Kara Rosenquist,    Katie Roth,   Rayne Rousell,    Bradley Rowell,    Eamonn Rutledge,    Paul Rydl,   Florencia Said,    Ward Sanderson,    Himanshu Sangale,    Smita Sangale,    Al Schoenberg,    Kathy Seaman,    Zdenka Servus,    Jilian Shannon,    Valerie Shartau,    Brian Shaw,    Duncan Shipley,    Stuart Simpson,    Maddy Skinner,    Bill Skinner,    Karen Sloan-Beitzel,    Doreen Smale,    Brooke Smith,    Jennifer Solem,    Jessica Solomon-Velthoen,    Liz Soria,   

Angel Spasoff,    Christina Steed,    Carole Steeves,    Simon Stenseth,    Diane Stinson,    Emma Stroud,    James Stroud,    Tom Sullivan,    Grace Sullivan,    Thomas Sun,   Ted Sutton,    Kevin Tanasichuk,    Artem Tarasenko,    Elena Tarasenko,    Dwayne Thomas,    Reinhard Thomas,    John Thompson,    Lorna Thompson,    David Thomson,    John Paul Michael Timonera,    Naoko Tomioka,    Michelle Tran,    Lesley Turner,    Angela van Son,    Marco van Son,    Jaxon Van Wyk,    Michele Veldhoen,    Leao Vermeylen,    Bryan Vithilingem,    Eric Voss,    Joan Walker,    Rasika Weeratunga,    Dale Weisenberg,    Janice Wenarchuk,    Emma Wheaton,    Esther Wiebe,      Sue Winstanley,    Alex Wittemeier,    Stephanie Won,    Robert Worona,    Nick Wright,    Max Wright,    Jesse Zdunich    

Thank You 2022 Donors

Thank you to all of the individuals and organizations who donated to the Friends of Fish Creek in 2022. With your support, we raised over $137,000 in donations last year. We are also very grateful to everyone who purchased raffle tickets or bid on auction items for our I ❤ Fish Creek fundraiser. Special thanks to those who contributed in kind support, and to all donors who would prefer to remain anonymous. 

Owl Level $15,000 – $24,999

In-Line Pigging Solutions

Greenfield Foundation


Deer Level – $5,000 – $14,999Deer, Korban Schwab

Colin LaBerge,  Bruce Palmer,  Scott Sarjeant

Jackie and George Palmer Fund

Scouts Canada Woodcreek 401


Beaver Level – $1,000 – $4,999

Elaine Barnes,  Robert Bowman,  D Kelly Green,  Danielle Hodgson,  Betty Little,  Judy MacLachlan,  Douglas Maxwell,  David Mitchell,  Bob Morrin,  Brian Myziuk,  Dane Ozorio,  Jackie Pardee,  Stephen Phelps,  Randy Plishka,  Dave Reid,  Navah Samra,  Jocelyn Sinclair,  Jennifer Solem,  Charles Symington,  Linda Tamm,  Tammy Towers-Bright,  Marco Van Son,  Jocelyn Walker

The Hindle Family Foundation
United Way of Calgary and Area


Spruce Level – $750 – $999

Bud Edgar,  Terry Hergott,  Birthe Parker,  Colleen Rodgers,  Mary Shelford,  Teresa Zajac


Aspen Level – $500 – $749

AspenMarion Andreasen,  Melinda Bell,  Shaune Bjork,  Brian Blanchard,  Betty J Boon,  Mini Boparai,  Louise Bouvry,  Sandy Cameron,  Lynda Corkum,  Monique Dagenais,  Allan Eisenbart,  Suzanne Galesloot,  Caroline Jasper,  Irene Jensen,  Matt Keay,  John Kittell,  Lorianne Mcleod Smilanich,  Bruce and Diana Mitchell,  Wendy Nickson,  Larry Patterson,  Barry Pilbeam,  Ken Pride,  Cyndy Russell,  Norman Schonhoffer,  Elizabeth Soria,  Carole Steeves,  Robert Worona

Capital Chev,  Cenovus,  Fiddler’s Green Landscaping Inc


Birch Level $100 – $499

Dianne Allen,  Tracy Anderson,  Bob Andrew,  Christina Arnold,  Rebecca Auriti,  Alana Backer,  Robert Bakker,  Alan Barrett,  Gordon Barrett,  Brenda Beamish,  Robb Bell,  Dianne Bitz,  William Blair,  Sharlene Boyko,  Gail Bridge,  Paul Brinkhurst,  Robert Byers,  Tracy Byrne,  John Cadman,  Catharine Campbell,  Wendy Campbell,  Jay and Dawn Carson, Joe and Toni Cavar,  Trevor Churchill,  Sharon Clark,  Ann Clipstone,  Lorna Coglon,  Kim Cole,  Joan Collins,  Mary Cook,  Karen Cross,  Philip Croteau,  Sandra Davis,  Bryon and Barbara Delarue,  Ron Deshayes,  Dave Desmarais,  Erika Diaz,  William Dittmer,  Colin Dooley,  Shawna Edworthy,  Jane Ellis,  Mary Enright,  Faith Faithfull,  Jessica Fallis,  Sheryl Faminow,  Kris Fernet,  Bea Flood,  Rudolf Foelling,  Nicole Forrest,  Wlad Franco-Valias,  Byron Frederick

Grant Gale,  Santo Giardina,  Richard Gotfried MLA,  Donna Goy-Edwards,  Rhonda Graham,  Janet Gustafson,  Gerald Halford,  Bob Hartling,  Don and Marianne Hladiuk,  Tim Hopwood,  Kari Horn,  Harold Hovdebo,  Nicole Hynes,  Jennifer Isaak,  Sonya Jakubec,  Marijke Jalink,  Shannon Jarrell,  Shirley Jensen,  Annetter Jerse,  Barrie Johnson,  Risa Kawchuk,  Keith Kendal,  Grant Kennedy,  Bernard Kohrs,  Marlene Krickhan,  Madelene Krokom,  Michelle Kromplak,  Elizabeth La,  Carol Laisnez,  Chris Lalonde,  Alan Lam,  Princeton Lau,  Connie Leclair,  Jean and Herb Matthews,  Norma May,  George McBride,  Margaret McGill,  Signe McIntosh,  Rob McWilliam,  John McWilliams,  Barbara Miles,  Willa Miniely,  William Moore,  Brian Moule,  John Mulvey,  Brent Murphy,  Johanna Neubert,  Helen and Larry Newel

Patricia M Newson,  Rod Ortmann,  Todd Owens,  James Owens,  Marguerite Paulsen,  Patricia Prevey,  Brent Raves,  Colleen Renchko,  Clinton and Lisa Roberts,  Garnet Scaman,  Frank Scarlett,  Craig Scarlett,  Elena Schacherl,  Marty Scholten,  Gloria Sebulsky,  Heather Setka,  Ryan Simmons,  Karen Sloan Beitzel,  Mark Smith,  Scott Smith,  Nancy Smyth,  Susan Sowerbutts,  Maria Spina,  Diane Stinson,  Erin Stinson,  Carol Stokes,  Chad Stronge,  Thomas Sullivan,  Richard Summerside,  Katherine Svrcek,  Edward Switzer,  Janet Taylor,  David Tetrault,  Claudia Tiefisher,  Jeff Tonge,  Diane Trimming,  Michelle Van Gelderen,  Lori Vandenbor,  Cathie Vanveller,  Rick Volpel,  Ray Wesolowski,  Ron Westcott,  Janine Willis,  Stephanie Won,  Debra Wood-Zybutz,  Eiden Yoshida,  Anna-Marie Young


Active Sports Therapy,  Avenida Pet Clinic,  Bitter Sisters,  Calgary Co-op Deer Valley,  Eau Claire Distillery,  Fish Tales Fly Shop,  Frank and Jan Henderson Fund,  Fresh and Local,  Highwood Golf and Country Club,  Holistic Institute of Health and Fertility,  Home Depot,  Intact Insurance,  Kensington Art Supply,  McKenzie Meadows Golf,  Milestones,  Patagonia,  Pensak Houghton Dentistry,  PURE Cycle,  Soffritto,  Suncor,  Sunny Cider,  TC Energy,  Telus

Special Recognition

Fabien Allo,  Dennis Anderson,  Carla Atkinson,  Shreya Bandyopadhyay,  Catherine Bates,  Sydney Bell-Pountney,  Helga Bender,  Rayna Bergerman,  Leita Blasetti,  Sean Brett,  Sharmayne Byrgesen,  Catherine Chan,  Reg Curren,  Kate Diakow,  Richard Dobson,  Leanne Dunnigan,  John and Brenda English,  Barbara Frame,  Rob Gagnon,  Linda Gale,  Josh Gibbs,  Kevin Hadden,  Jacquie Halpen,  Leonor Henriquez,  Denise Hiebert,  Debby Hodgson,  Lavina Hoffman,  Lorraine Holmwood,  Greg Hooper,  Patricia Jean,  Diane Jones,  Kim Kirillo,  Michael Kohrs,  Arthur Krentz,  Lynn Lambert,  Dianne Leonhardt,  Tyrone Lester,  Mark Lewis,  Alvin Li,  Jasmine Luke,  Heather Maciorowski

Richard Makowski,  Chloe Mansfield,  Linda Manwarren, Patricia Matheson,  Maryam Mehrabi,  Kent Milani,  Geoff Mintenko,  Michele Moore,  Arnold Muller,  Allan Naylor,  Janice Norton,  Todd Oickle,  Caitlin Parsons,  Alice Post,  Rudy Rapp,  Janet Ratliffe,  Guy Rogers,  Jennifer Scott,  Cassandra and Robert Seymour,  Ron and Judy Shandro,  Susan Simbirski,  Danell Stillinger,  Hanna Stroud,  Ronald Stuart,  Shanna Sutherland,  Marilyn Talbot,  Jenny Taylor,  Wayne Thomas,  Lesley Turner,  William and Linda Tymchyshyn,  Vincent Ung,  Barbara Wade,  David Wiebe,  Vanessa Witko,  Mee Wong,  Nicholas Wright,  Sylvester Zacher


4imprint, Benevity,  Cafe Jindo,  Canada Helps Partner Giving,  Deville Coffee,  Drops of Gratitude,  Monogram Coffee,  Outdoor Yoga Calgary,  Pensak Houghton Dentistry, Rocky Mountain Soap Co – Southcentre,  Springbank Cheese,  University of Calgary – Parks Canada

Photos: Korban Schwab, Friends of Fish Creek

Treasurer’s Report

Phil Greer
Treasurer, Friends of Fish Creek Board of Directors

For the year ended December 31, 2022, the Society reported a net loss (excess of expenditures over revenues) of $7,226 compared to net loss of $7,777 for the year ended December 31, 2021.

Our revenues for financial reporting purposes were $565,062 in 2022 compared to $568,507 in 2021. A major source of revenue was the Enhanced Partnership Program with Alberta Environment and Parks (EPP) in the amount of $168,166 in 2022 and $137,575 in 2021. This funding totaled $480,000 and covered programs between July 2020 and March 2023. The EPP Program has been renewed in 2023 and will provide total funding of $750,000 over three years. This was also a good year for other grant revenue totaling $157,155 in 2022 compared to $140,019 in 2021.

We incurred expenses for financial reporting purposes in 2022 of $572,288 which is comparable to 2021 expenses of $576,284. $299,493 of expenses in 2022 were for programs and training compared to $297,044 in 2021. This includes salaries directly tied to programs.

Our total cash position at December 31, 2022 was $397,880 compared to $432,568 at December 31, 2021. In 2022 we received proceeds of $89,261 from our September 2022 Casino fundriaser and related fundraising activities, as well as $80,000 from the Alberta Environment and Parks for the EPP program. We have set a budget for 2023 that reflects the increase in funding and expenses relating to the renewed EPP program. The first round of funding from this program of $250,000 was received in April 2023, which puts us in a strong financial position for 2023. The remaining funding of $500,000 over 2024 and 2025 will help to provide us with financial security going forward.

View Summarized Financial Information

Thank You 2023 Supporters


Eagle Level $50,000 +

                   AB Parks



Bobcat Level $25,000 – $49,999




Owl Level $15,000 – $24,999

ECO Canada


Deer Level $5,000 – $14,999   





Kinsmen               Alberta Ecotrust



Beaver Level $1,000 – $4,999

Prairie Sky Royalty                   WestJet


Spruce Level $750 – $999

Student Union U of C


Aspen Level $500 – $749

Canadian Hard of Hearing



Birch Level $100 – $499

Pixel Imaging



                  TruEarth Logo


Community Connections

The Friends of Fish Creek would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following organizations and individuals for collaborating with us and supporting our programs and events in a variety of ways last year. If you do not see your name or organization listed here, be sure to check the Donor, Volunteer and Supporter lists.


AGLC,  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,  Alberta Ability Network – Recreation Round Table,  Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation,  Alberta Community Bat Program,  Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area,  Another Side of Calgary/TELUS TV, Anthony Starlight – Tsuut’ina Elder,  Aqueduct Foundation,  Benevity,  Bettina Sieger – Artist,  Bill Snow – Stoney Nakoda Elder,  Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley/Wildsmart,  Bow Habitat Station,  Brooke Kapeller – Bow River Basin Council,  Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth,  Calgary Herald,  Calgary Public Library Elder Guidance Circle,  Calgary River Valleys,  Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation,  Calgary Sun,  Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society,  Cerebral Palsy Kids and Families,  Chinook Country Historical Society,  City Nature Challenge,  City News Calgary,  CNIB,  Cori Imbery,  Cows and Fish,  Decathlon Calgary,  Deer Run Community Festival Foundation,  Deerfoot Inn & Casino,  Donate a Car Canada,  Don Hladiuk,  Eden House,  Elbow River Watershed Partnership,  EthniCity Catering,  Fish Creek Watershed Association 

Friends of Kananaskis Country,  Fundrazr,  Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park,  Get Outside and Play,  Global Calgary,  Great Events Group,  Great News Media,  Grow Wild YYC,  Gunaha Institute,  Kelly Hazen – Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,  Helis,  Humane Solutions,  Jim Pescott – Artist,  Justice Film Festival,  KLM Captioning,  Leaf Ninjas,  Lethbridge Research & Development Centre,  Metis Calgary Family Services,  Mistakiis Institute,  Mount Royal University,  Nature Calgary,  NextAfter,  Nicole Kimmel – Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist,  Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society,  Nutrien,  Richard Gotfried MLA,  Rotary Club of Calgary – West,  Royal Astronomical Society,  Ruby Eagle Child – Blackfoot Elder,  SAIT,  Shawnee Evergreen Community Association,  Sheep River Library,  Skip the Depot,  St. Mary’s University,  Tannas Conservation Services,  Trace Associates, Tsuut’ina Food Bank,  Tsuut’ina Nation,  Trout Unlimited Canada,  United Way,  University of Calgary,  Wild About Flowers,  Wild Bird Store,  Wild Outside,  Wright Nurseries,  You Betula Environmental,  Youth Central


Staff and Executive

Friends of Fish Creek Staff – 2023

Current – 

  • Nic Blanchet – Executive Director
  • Chris Lalonde – Communications Manager
  • Emma Stroud – Team Lead – Ecology & Conservation
  • Dylan Barnes – Citizen Science & Stewardship Coordinator
  • Kumiko Kamiike – Visitor Services Coordinator
  • Monica Myers – Program Support Coordinator
  • Ross Anderson – Field Assistant
  • TJ Timonera – Stewardship Assistant (2024) 

2023 Executive

  • Bob Morrin – Chair
  • David Mitchell – Vice-Chair
  • Bryan Ermann – Treasurer Elect
  • Kari Horn – Secretary
  • Christina Steed – Director at Large
  • Neil Groeneveld – Director at Large
  • Eric Voss – Director at Large
  • Ted Sutton – Director at Large
  • Ruža Obad – Director at Large Elect
  • Ken Heywood – Director at Large Elect
  • Nancy Ouimet – Park Liaison

Previous – 

  • Phil Greer – Treasurer
  • Michael McCreadie – Director at Large
  • Henry Villanueva – Governance Chair
  • David Breckon – Director at Large

Friends of Fish Creek Contractors

  • Bob Andrew – Bookkeeping Services
  • Kaylee Hope – TD Learning Naturally Coordinator
  • Jo Brockie – Social Media Coordinator

Alberta Parks Staff

Jeremy Bakken, Jody Bares, Shannon Buckles, Joan Friedel, Roland Kirzinger, Joe Oberhoffner, Jennell Rempel, Andrew Schoepf, Irene Till

Environmental Enforcement Branch, Southern Alberta Area, Calgary Badlands District Conservation Officers Troy Christianson, Brian Ferguson, Ryan Hannusch and Nick Mandrusiak

The Venturers Society

Trevor Boardman, Jonathan Bricker, Cody Craig, Mike Depper, Len Esau, Michele Jean, Tim Krynen, Fred Lorenz, David Nicholson, Ed Quiring, Rachel Ryan, Travis Schwab, Conrad Tiedemann, Lindsay Watkinson, Kelsie Webster, Kelsey Wood

Canadian Wildlife Federation’s Canadian Conservation Corps Interns
Jo Brockie, Callum deGouw, Sidric Jasmine, Alex Kelly 

Contact Us 
The Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society
PO Box 2780 Stn M, Calgary, AB T2P 2M7 403-238-3841, (fax) 403-297-5284
Our office is in the Cookhouse, Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Provincial Park,
15975 Bow Bottom Tr. SE,,,,

Charitable Registration #891199747 RR0001

Donate Here

Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10.00 or more. 

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