Map of the Park
Fish Creek Story Maps
Fish Creek Wildlife
Fish Creek Neighbours
Fish Creek Resources
Fish Creek Provincial Park
Fish Creek Trails Plan
Park Construction and Advisories
How You Can Help
Fish Creek Community Terrace
Dedication Benches
Become a Park Protector
Stewardship Truck
Planned Giving
Watershed Stewardship
Invasive Species Management
Native Plants In Fish Creek
Beavers in Fish Creek
Poplar Forest Stewardship
Calgary Connect
30th Anniversary Poplar Grove
Grow With Us projects
Community Programs
Photography Contest
Good Grief
Park Tours
Fish Creek Speaker Series
Birding Course
Learning Naturally Program
Corporate GiveBack
Become a Volunteer!
Behind the Scenes
Connect with Youth – Learning Naturally
Environmental Stewardship
Engage the Public
Events Calendar
About Us
Mission And Vision
Our Team
Career Opportunities
Board of Directors
Voice of the Friends Newsletter
Annual Report – 2023
Financial Statement
Document Archives
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Membership Survey
/ Membership Survey
Membership Survey
1. How do you usually pay for your Friends of Fish Creek Membership?
Credit card online
Credit card over the phone
Mail cheque
In person at the office (including credit, debit, cheque, cash)
2. On a scale of 1 - 5, how user-friendly is the online system for renewing your Membership or taking out a Membership? 1=Not friendly at all, 5=Very friendly
I have not used the online system
3. Currently the Friends mail a printed card to all Members, would you be comfortable with an electronic card?
No, I like the printed card
Either one is fine
4. Rather than renewing your Membership each year, would you prefer to have the Membership renew automatically each year?
Yes, that would be okay with me
No, I prefer to renew each year
5. Did you know that as a Friends of Fish Creek member you receive a discount at Kensington Art Supply and the Wild Bird Store?
Yes, I knew that
No, I did not know that
6. Do you visit the following businesses? Check all that apply
Kensington Art Supply
The Wild Bird Store
7. Additional comments or suggestions
Max 300 characters
Thank You Supporters
©2025 Friends of Fish Creek All rights reserved.