Capture Nature Photography Contest 2024

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Capture, Share, Vote! Join our photo contest today!

Registration is OPEN until July 31
Voting is open until August 15 at midnight

Get ready to embark on a photographic adventure as the 2024 edition of the Capture Nature photo contest kicks off in May, 2024! This extraordinary year commemorates the 10th anniversary of our beloved contest hosted right here at Fish Creek Provincial Park.

To celebrate this milestone, we are thrilled to introduce two captivating themes for the upcoming contest:

  • My Park
  • True Colour

True to tradition, there are no constraints or limitations within these themes – only the titles guide your creative journey. So, unleash your imagination, seize your camera, and rediscover the wonders of Fish Creek Provincial Park! Let the magic of your lens capture the essence of these themes in ways that only your unique perspective can unveil. Join us in making the 10th anniversary of Capture Nature an unforgettable celebration of creativity and nature’s splendor.

The submissions period for your photographs opens on May 1, 2024 and runs until July 31 of the same year.
You can start taking pictures any time now!

All submissions must be images taken in Fish Creek Provincial Park.

The registration opens on May 1, 2024
$25 registration fee for adults, free for youth 17 years of age or under!

Register Here

The Registration Outline

The registration starts from May 1 to July 31, 2024. You can register at any point throughout the contest.
The public will be able to vote for their favourite photos through our Online Gallery. Voting will be open from May 1 until August 15 at midnight, and we’ll announce the contest winners on September 3, 2024.

We will have two each winners for the adult and youth pools: one each will be awarded for the highest public online votes and our Friends’ volunteer Juror favourites. Winners will receive amazing prizes donated to us from the Shawnessy London Drugs photography unit — great for the winners from the youth pool seeking resources to further their passion in photography!

Vast Expanse of Sun, Wind and Flora - Cathy.Brodner

Winner 2023 -The Elements – Cathy Brodner – Bankside – Vast Expanse of Sun, Wind and Flora

Beavers - Tony.LePrieur

Winner 2023 – As Above So Below – Tony LePrieur – Votiers Flats – Beavers (adult and juvenile)

Rainy Forest - Kamran.Shukoor

Winner 2023 – The Elements – Kamran Shukoor – Bebo Grove – Rainy Forest

Many thanks to the 2024 Capture Nature sponsors, who generously supported this fun competition by donating prize packages: The Apothecary in Inglewood. Special thanks to the volunteers who effortlessly coordinated the program and who once again led another spirited round of voting.




 Would you like to be a sponsor for this unique program? We are actively seeking sponsors for 2024. Please email to Kumiko Kamiike, Visitor Services Coordinator, at