Blog Story

Speaker Series Volunteers
By Monica MyersThe Fish Creek Speaker Series is returning to in-person presentations at the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, for the 2022/2023 program season. Presentations will be broadcast simultaneously to community members who prefer to tune in remotely over Zoom
Speaker Series Volunteers are critical in helping the Friends of Fish Creek achieve our mission of “engaging the public” by lending a hand with set up, registration and take down at our monthly Fish Creek Speaker Series and at other events throughout the year which take place at the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre. Click here to view the Volunteer Job Description.
Once trained, volunteers sign up for which events suit their interests and schedules.
- Speaker Series events typically take place on Thursday evenings (typically the 2nd Thursday of the month from September to June, except December)
- Tasks include moving tables and chairs, setting up audiovisual equipment, registering guests, setting up and putting away refreshments and engaging the public at a Friends of Fish Creek table.
We are actively recruiting Volunteers for this program at this time. Training will take place on September 15th and additional training can be provided at each FCSS event.