Blog Story
Tree Wrapping
By developerBeavers are an important species that provides many ecological services such as slowing of water, absorption of water into the ground and creation of habitat for other species of wildlife. Although their presence can be beneficial to natural ecosystems, infrastructure such as trails, water filtration systems and engineered stormwater wetlands can be damaged by their activity.
In this program, volunteers wrap the base of poplar and cottonwood trees with stucco wire to deter beavers from moving into areas near sensitive park infrastructure. This proactive approach will decrease potential damage to trails, water filtration systems and engineered stormwater wetlands by encouraging beavers to inhabit more natural areas that will benefit from their presence. Volunteers will also be trained to use our new Tree Damage app that allows us to map the location and condition of trees that require protection and monitoring. Click here to view the Volunteer Job Description.
There are also opportunities for experienced Volunteers to assist by guiding smaller groups on Tree Wrapping Outings. Please see Stewardship Assistant section above for more info.